
The Wilson Elementary Wrestling and Cheerleading Programs including the Boosters are 100% volunteer driven. Without the help of dedicated individuals who devote countless hours of their time, our program would not exist.

If we are to continue to run effectively and efficiently, we need YOUR help! Please see the descriptions below for examples of ways you may be asked to contribute throughout the wrestling season.


Assistant Coaches

Volunteers are needed to assist the coaching staff in running practices. Extensive knowledge of wrestling is NOT required. Adults who can help to keep the kids focused during practice are always needed. Time commitment will be two nights a week during your child’s practices.


Match Day Volunteers

It takes between 15 and 20 volunteers to successfully run a home meet. Duties may include: Set up (rolling out mats, setting up tables and chairs). Table workers (keeping score, timing). Mat parent (keeping wrestlers organized while waiting their turn to wrestle). Concessions (set up, selling concessions, clean up).

We typically will have 2-3 home meets per season. We ask that each family volunteer for at least two events. NO WORRIES…It will be arranged so that you do not miss your child’s event.



All parents are able to do this at the meets and tournaments. We can never have too many photos of our wrestlers or cheerleaders! Take shots in action and candid with teammates and coaches. Photos can be sent to bulldogwrestlingboosters@gmail.com or shared via TeamSnap.


Party Organizer

The party organizer is responsible for contacting the venue where end of season party is to be held, creating and distributing invitations, organizing decorations, and organizing parent volunteers for food (if necessary).


We would like to thank everyone for pitching in to support our program and your children!

Your time and efforts are GREATLY appreciated!